To detect the ads block extensions or software, Our plugin will send multiple request to Ads Platform. We have multiple option for ads request. You can check the requests from the settings.
One of the most used request is server request.
Server Request:
We have multiple ads servers to check the adblock extensions. You can enable multiple ads servers from the settings.
You can disable / enable the ads servers from the settings.
For Developer:
To add the own ads servers.
* Add own servers
* @package chpadbpro
add_filter("chpadbpro/request/servers", function($servers){
//for single url
$servers['ads']['servers']['NAME'] = 'URL';
//to add new section
$servers["SECTION_TYPE"] = array(
'title' => "SERVER_TITLE",
'servers' => array(
'NAME' => "URL",
'NAME1' => "URL2",
//more server . . .
return $servers;